Monday, March 29, 2010

OMSI Lab Day

FRIDAY, April 23, 12:00-2:00 all students grades 3-8. $5 per lab, $2 per adult. Payable to Estacada Web Academy.

Teams of 3 or 4 students dissect an organism and learn how it works. Those who have never done a dissection before will dissect a squid. Those who have done a dissection before will dissect a frog. Please tell us at registration your student experience level so we can put him/her in the appropriate group.

The squid dissection will go first while the frog dissectors will tour the museum, completing the Active Learning Log. Then, the frog dissectors will have their turn in the lab while the squid dissectors will tour the museum, completing the Active Learning Log.

Preregistration required by April 20, 2010. Email Mr. Maher at

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